What’s top of mind for healthcare staff: Healthcare Resources, Digital Tools and Support

October 3, 2024

for clinicians

Healthcare professionals today are juggling an unprecedented array of challenges, with patient care, resource management, and digital tools being top of mind. As the industry continues to recover and evolve post-COVID, healthcare staff are increasingly focused on finding the right balance between adopting new technologies and meeting the immediate needs of patients.

healthcare resources
healthcare resources
healthcare resources

Healthcare professionals today are juggling an unprecedented array of challenges, with patient care, resource management, and digital tools being top of mind. As the industry continues to recover and evolve post-COVID, healthcare staff are increasingly focused on finding the right balance between adopting new technologies and meeting the immediate needs of patients. Whether it's the daunting task of implementing updated EMR systems, addressing ongoing healthcare resource limitations, or navigating the introduction of new products, the common thread is the desire for tools and solutions that can make an impact now, while still preparing for the future. The team at The Patient Company has outlined their perspective on issues that are top of mind for healthcare staff today.

Andrew's Perspective:

Healthcare Resources Andrew Heuerman
Andrew Heuerman, CEO

We interact with and support healthcare staff daily through our work with SimPull. One consistent trend this year for our customers has been the integration of or update to their digital tools, most specifically their EMR’s. The people we work with seem to be excited about the opportunities for improvement that these updated or new digital tools provide, with one big caveat. Getting set up within a new system for hundreds or even thousands of employees and even more patients is a daunting task, regardless of how necessary it may be.

I think this is a great representation of the focus of healthcare staff as a whole. It seems like healthcare has been going through a generational shift in the wake of Covid, and while everything is being rethought with the opportunity for dramatic improvement… it doesn’t change what patients need today. So in short, I think balancing future planning, new technology, and how we can and will take care of patients with what must be done TODAY for patients is an inherent conflict. It’s a difficult challenge, that we look to support by understanding our customers' needs, not just today but as they continue to change.

Andy's Perspective:

Healthcare Resources Andy Teague
Andy Teague, Chief Commercial Officer

When I consider “what’s top of mind for healthcare staff”, I have to believe its resources. We often hear that proper resources are a constant concern. This isn’t just about one aspect; it encompasses everything from equipment and staffing to time. Interestingly, many staff members perceive this resource limitation not only in their working conditions but also in what is available for patients. The pandemic highlighted the urgent need to protect our staff and provide them with the necessary tools to treat patients effectively and efficiently.

This is a complex issue that requires both top-down leadership and grassroots efforts to implement change, as well as ongoing reinforcement of new practices and technologies.

As equipment providers, we are focused on developing solutions that offer simple platforms with significant benefits for users. Companies must push themselves to innovate, keeping in mind that staff are often short-handed and have little time to adopt new techniques. Our goal is to provide supportive services or products that enhance, rather than hinder, their daily workflows.

Travis' Perspective: 

Healthcare Resources Travis Smith
Travis Smith, Director of Customer Success

When I am out in the field what I am hearing is “how can this help us right now?” There are currently so many initiatives going on in every hospital that it feels like every clinician is being elevated to a Super User of a product, or a lead for a new team. Due to this, any additional product or system that is being introduced into the workplace needs to be effective and easily introducible. Without seeing immediate impact, clinician use is likely to decline.

healthcare resources
healthcare resources
healthcare resources